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Causes of abnormal uterine bleeding
Many different things can cause abnormal uterine bleeding. Pregnancy, polyps and fibroids (small and large growths) in the uterus, infection of the cervix, or cancer of the uterus as well as thyroid problems can cause abnormal bleeding. For most women, imbalance is causing abnormal uterine bleeding by a hormone. During a normal menstrual cycle, levels of various female hormones are made by your body up and down. Estrogen and progesterone are two very important hormones.
Ovulation is the part of the normal menstrual cycle when an egg is released from the ovaries. The most common cause of dysfunctional uterine bleeding is if your ovaries release an egg. In this case, the hormone levels are not the same in your body, causing your time later or earlier and heavier than normal. Abnormal bleeding by hormone imbalance is more common in teens or in women, the menopause approach.
Common causes
These are just some of the problems that can cause abnormal uterine bleeding. These problems can occur at any age, but the most likely cause of abnormal uterine bleeding usually depends on your age:
A woman in their teens, 20s and 30s years - a common cause of abnormal bleeding in young women and adolescents is pregnancy. Some birth control pills or the IUD may lead also abnormal bleeding. Some young women, no egg from ovary removal (called ovulation) freely creating abnormal menstrual bleeding during their overall, a hormone imbalance where the estrogen in your body your uterus to thick makes. This is common for young people, who have just started their periods. During a cycle, the bleeding will be very difficult. Hormone imbalances may also your body does not know when, to shed the lining. This allows to irregular bleeding ("spotting") between the periods.
A woman in their 40s and early 50s years - in the years before menopause and the beginning of menopause, women have months, if it does not cause ovulation abnormal menstrual bleeding. Thickening of the uterus is another cause of abnormal bleeding. In some cases, a warning of uterine cancer is this thickening. If you have abnormal menstrual bleeding and you are in this age group, talk to your doctor cervical cancer be ruled out.
A common cause of menstrual bleeding is women after the menopause - hormone replacement therapy after menopause. Other causes are cancer, endometrial and uterine. These cancers are more common in older women, but are not always the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding. Talk to your doctor you have bleeding after menopause.
Dysfunktionalen uterine bleeding symptoms
A woman with dysfunctional uterine bleeding - bleeding as a result of a hormonal imbalance - may the following changes in their menstrual cycle fest:
Bleeding or spotting from the vagina occurs between periods
Menstrual periods may be less than 28 days or more than 35 days apart
Irregularity of menstrual cycles
Bleeding is severe including: passing of large lumps, need protection overnight and absorb of a pad or tampon every hour for 2 to 3 hours in a line change
Bleeding lasts for more days than normal or for more than 7 days
Other symptoms that are due to changes in hormone levels:
Excessive growth of body hair in a male pattern
Hot flashes
Mood swings
Tenderness and dryness of the vagina
A woman can feel fatigue or tiredness, if she lose too much blood in the course of time and is anemic
Tests & diagnosis
Your OB/GYN doctor is a gynecological exam and can recommend lab tests, including:
Complete blood count (CBC)
Blood clotting profile
Hormone tests
Follicle - stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Male hormone (androgen) level
Serum or urine parameters HCG (to exclude pregnancy)
Thyroid function tests
Culture to look for infection
Common procedures
In addition to the pelvic exam and lab tests, the provider can the following procedures for the diagnosis of the issue including recommend:
Endometrial biopsy to infections, Precancer or cancer to search, or help, decide on an appropriate hormone treatment.
Hysteroscopy is an Office procedure where the doctor adds a flexible tube with a light and a tiny camera at the end into the uterus through the vagina.
TRANS vaginal ultrasound can be done to find abnormalities in the uterus or pelvis.
Non-surgical options
Young people are often not treated, if symptoms are very strictly, like for example heavy blood loss causing anemia. In other women, the aims of the treatment of menstrual cycle control. Some treatments include:
Oral birth control pills or progesterone only pills
An intrauterine device (IUD), which the hormone progestin free
Surgical options
If a woman is pregnant, they can drugs be promoting ovulation. OB/GYN doctors can for those whose symptoms are severe and not respond to other therapies, alternative treatments, including surgery to offer. Surgical treatment options include:
Endometrial ablation or resection (cauterizing) to destroy or remove the uterus will often stop or reduce the amount of menstrual bleeding
Hysterectomy - less frequently performed than in the past
C and D - for diagnosis and polyps to remove
Ovarian cancer ovarian cancer as accepted. Alleged ancestors, or A history of cancer, at the age of 55, women with no history of early pregnancy, and a history of estrogen treatment incident constant factors for ovarian cancer. Common symptoms include a swollen abdomen or excessive; surprises or errors in the abdomen, pelvis or legs, nausea, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, pain or upset, and actually Workall point out the time. Surgery and chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and rarely are accepted methods of analysis for this condition the group.
Ayurveda is analysis of ovarian cancer cancer directed to the flock, prevent the progress and work hard to survive. Drugs such as Triphala Guggulu, Kanchnar Guggulu, Punarnavadi Guggulu, Mahamanjishthadi-Qadhi, Chandraprabha father, Ashokarishta, Dashmoolarishta, kuber dad, Ashoka (Saracá indica), deodar (Cedrus Deodara), Varun (crater nurvala) and Latakaranj (Caesalpinia Crista) are used in this State.
Drugs, on dhatu "Rakta (tissue) is advantageous in that State must act." These drugs are Patola (Tricosanthe Dioica), Kutki (Picrorrhiza Kurroa) Saarland (Hemidesmus Indicus), Pathé (Cissampelos Pareira) and Mustafa (Cyperus Rotundus). Medicines such as Kanchnaar Guggulu and Qadhi Mahamanjishthadi doses serve in the air, the anticipation of pain either locally or on Anticipatehas genital organs of the body.
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Shatavari (asparagus of Racemosus), Suvarna-Sutshekhar-RAS, Suvarna PARP Raj Suvarna-Vangeshwar-RAS-Suvarna Malini Vasant-,-Trivanga Bhasma, Suvarna Bhasma Heerak Bhasma and to the need for the consent of an authorized body. To prevent or reduce furniture accepts drug therapy as Laxmi Vilas RAS, Shrung Bhasma, Ashwagandha, Shankh Papa and Laghu-Sutshekhar-RAS can be used.
Sun AyurvedaMedications can be used as additional analysis in modern, used the accepted treatment, to a faster response expected to accompany the repetition of the embrace activities and the affection and adaptation in advance of the patient. It ' important that all patients require this agenda under the administration of a suffering and recognized Oncology.
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Cancer chemotherapy is actually to destroy a treatment that uses drugs, cancer cells. This treatment is largely soon after the operation. The drugs destroy the cancer cells, by stopping by the fast-growing or shared. However, even the normal cells in this method are destroyed. In addition to these are used ovarian cancer due to the use of a mixture of different treatments such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
In most of cases, you will discover chances of repetition of this cancer in the physique. Chemotherapy treatment is at the low grade for only people, or at an early stage of the disease after surgery are decided. The different types of ovarian cancer stromal cell, epithelial and germ cell are treated with chemotherapy.
This treatment is by opting for the different policies of the administration of chemotherapy such as the intraperitoneal chemotherapy and intravenous chemotherapy. They get in combination of different drugs that help to increase the survival rates. These funds are given in the hospital, clinic or at home. Some girls choose to stay and the treatment in the hospital.
This solution comes in cycles. The therapy is usually a rest period. The length of the rest period and cycles used determined by the type of drugs within the therapy.
These cancers are sensitive to chemotherapy and in most of the instances reacts properly within the beginning of the therapy. Within the on the basis of the chemotherapy some used standard drugs in a mixture.
The side effects of chemotherapy treatment depends on factors from around the patient, the dose and also the drug administered. But discover some common side effects of employment chemotherapy, which are described below:
* Short term hair loss
* Anemia
* Depression
* Reduce the diversity of disease that might result in bleeding
* Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Here you find some long-term side effects, including damage kidney or liver, bone marrow damage, hearing loss, infertility, allergic reactions, and so on. are life-threatening and risk for other cancers are increased.
However, you can consult a doctor and taking some medicine, which will help to destroy the unwanted side effects of chemotherapy. The doctor will also disable all your questions in the direction of ovarian cancer are connected. Majority of the final only until the therapy takes side effects.
Therefore describes the details of the chemotherapy treatment for ovarian cancer. It informed also about the side effects of this claim.
Women with premature ovarian failure are some early menopause symptoms, early access up to the age, the daily efforts of the women have a big impact. Makes the main symptoms of premature ovarian failure, so what? Gynecology, Huashan hospital, Tianjin, experts point out, that premature ovarian failure are sometimes with hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause, early menopause is gradually lowered until the menopause symptoms in fact.
clinical symptoms of premature ovarian failure are visible to the General:
Friends of ovulation, usually premature ovarian failure and menopause symptoms are similar to 1, a woman, is it hot flashes, the performance of the Hypogonadism, such as such as vaginal dryness, painful sexual intercourse, reduced libido, sweating, urinary tract infection, weight gain, anxiety, constipation, Hair loss, thyroid dysfunction, paranoia and so on.
2, the female gonad development has no primary amenorrhoea, gonadal dysgenesis females delayed menarche or irregular menstrual bleeding symptoms appear.
3, gonadal development and maturation occurs in patients with secondary infertility, irregular menstruation, menstruation patients after several years be reached gradually scarce after the menopause, not to menstruation.
Traffic jams of Vulvitis... Swelling, pain, burning, genital itching, local erosion, small scaly and cracked skin, rough, Folliculitis.
Smell, vaginal itching, ulceration, with a frequency, urgency, ' dysuria, sexual pain.
Cervicitis... Leucorrhea, odor, color change type of bean dregs or cheese-like, genital mutilation, such as purulent yellow foam, itching. A long time, can cervical cancer lesions – cause cervical cancer.
… Pelvic inflammatory disease can be divided into acute and chronic. Acute abdominal pain, increased vaginal discharge, had purulent, the smell, the body temperature is high; chronic with body discomfort, insomnia, intractable disease, multimedia Forms application fallopian tubes, ovaries mass, such as liability.
... irregular uterine fibroids purulent vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, acute abdominal pain with vomiting, can lead that infertility, pregnancy, abortion, and so on.
Ovarian cysts... the feeling of abdominal discomfort or palpable mass, had the pressure, can cause urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, often quickly deteriorating, in severe cases can threaten lives.
painless genitalia itching vegetation... the lesion site, morphology is papules-like, papilläres, cauliflower-like, chicken of coronavirus, surface contamination, easy bleeding, and more by a viral infection, infectious a strong, recurrent, severe in tumors arise.
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Be ovarian cancer the most common cause of death most all gynaecological cancers? Many of the newly detected cases of ovarian cancer directly to an advanced stage.
British medical journal and targeting ovarian cancer (TOC) in the United Kingdom that it took a month, comes from the disease, immediately after symptoms appear. It is a common symptom that is detected. If the typical symptoms are observed, treatment could be far faster and higher chance to heal.
Women have to know the widespread symptoms of ovarian cancer. In the case of the following symptoms occur, feel free not to to see a doctor immediately. Typical symptoms of ovarian cancer include:
1. increased abdominal size large
(2) often feel discomfort in the stomach
3. vaginal bleeding
4. in the rule you feel satiety
5. Headache and frequently tired
6. frequent vomiting and bowel movement
7. no loss of appetite or to eat
8. drastic weight loss
9. Constant flatulence
You should feel these symptoms immediately consult a doctor. TOC says, symptoms of ovarian cancer is not generally recognized by doctors. So you get accurate results for further testing or "second opinion" ask to search.
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come and go. Uncle Vernon, sweating slightly worn suit, opened the door, front, up and down that road, staring then quickly moved to the head. "they are late!" He told Harry screaming. I know, "said Harry". Perhaps Zm image map he traffic periods of bad or something. "Ten six." And then a district six. Now worried, Harry began to feel. In the half of the past, he heard Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia plants in the living room of the simple picture of Zm, which figure in the conversation whispered menstruation. "no consideration to express." "We could have a promise." "Maybe they think that they will get invited, if they were late to dinner." "Oh, what not, they will undoubtedly" Fred menstruation image of agricultural Uncle said Zm map, and Harry heard how he older care products and began living room pace. "they are with young and go, it will be allowed not to wander." That's all, when they are attacked. Perhaps the wrong day. I dare say they are the type of card Zm menstruation images set not much memory on time. Either or the car they drive some tin-pot is the d AAAAAAAARRRRRGH! "Harry in jump." Above the door of the living room, climbing another three Durszm menstruation image map leys sound of panic and cross through the area. In the next moment Dudley fly into the Hall in, looking frightened. "What happened?", Harry said. "how?" But Dudley seemed to be able to say not. Hands clip art or Zm menstrual photo figure tight end of the hips to go so fast his swing as he in the kitchen can. Harry rushed into the living room within. According to Bangings and the Scrapings image come from the Dursleys show period back Zm up fireplace, a fake coal fire insert before. "What is it?" gasped genus, the Aunt Petunia, with access to support and is in the wall look, frightened, Xianghuo. "What is Vernon?"ZM menstruation image show but he sports shoes are allowed longer not in little doubt seconds. sounds may be at this hearing in a block of the fireplace. "Ouch!" Film de, on the back, back, there is a type of error: can not George - say Ouch! George, no, Zm image map with no menstrual period room, quickly go back and tell Ron-"" perhaps Harry can hear us, father - perhaps he will be able to: "there are according to loud pounding fist on the Board, that firepower." Harry? Listen to Harry, you us? "like some evil Wolverines in the same environment of Harry, the Dursleys." What is it? "Uncle Vernon growled out." What remains? "" they they have tried here by Floo powder, reach", Harry said, fighting mad laugh desire." Can the travel fire and only you have blocked the chimney - hang up - "approached he fireplace and the call that you had."Weasley Sir? You can hear me? ", the pounding stopped." a person within the mantelpiece, said, "Shh"! "Weasley President, it is Harry." Fireplace there is a blockage increases. Where are you can not happen. "Damn!""Weasley, Mr voice." What on earth they have zone
Although endometriosis is an action, you of 7 women all over the world, there's not much that is accepted for this disease. It is an accident, and sew, the development of the body begins the remaking of central genital tissue of the uterus. Endometriosis causes are not yet known, but there are several theories.
This action is usually at a time of rampant early cancer have been compared to such an attack of beef is binding.There are similarities in these two diseases, to keep included a reduction in the amount of beef the host apoptosis and development of new blood vessels in Burgundy. Many doctors accept that will debate on the abstraction, was endometriosis Cancer in 1925, but not accepted abstracts.
A recent analysis has shown that it may be a connection with the cancer and endometriosis. It was clear that women have to accept the Endometriosisadded of the prostate Forms cancer, including endocrine, breast, ovarian and brain. Even the doctors to you, there is a risk that the cancer is still the joint is really endometriosis analysis needs to be done to adjust.
The analysis was made at this point start that alone hardly incident College which accepted development of cancer than women who do not have this condition are averse to women with endometriosis.Moreover, while accept, the Hysterectomies have had or are women who have developed the first of the endometriosis doesn't seem to accept the development of cancer - linked related accidents.
The aberration of the primary cancer and endometriosis is the fact that endometriosis is not fatal as cancer. During this promotion can be acutely painful and relating to the level as problems with the pelvic area, not to the destruction of itself is. Endometriosis TreatmentsSpace for laparoscopic surgery, pain and the analysis of hormone disorders.
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the next day at dawn, your Xiaoyu luggage and go back to the room, re-ticket at the hotel reception, the receptionist informed their recent airplane business class only, and prices have much more expensive, do not hesitate to credit cards to brush teeth pull your Xiaoyu, booked a taxi to the airport immediately after, to just menstrual got slow on a plane in the sky, she Danjing image map of /Zm heart quiet down.
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Ovarian cancer. Patient care page. How is law? like to know, the treatment of ovarian cancer patients. .
Overview of ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer is a cancer of the female reproductive organs to the incidence of cervical and uterine cancer, and ranks third out. But he died of ovarian cancer, accounts for different types of gynecological cancer first serious threat to the lives of women. Since the embryonic ovary development, anatomical and endocrine function in complex it can suffer benign or malignant tumors. Preliminary result of ovarian cancer. Bed asymptomatic, early detection of the type of tissue and completely benign and malignant. Difficult, laparotomy ovarian cancer was found. Ovarian cancer is limited to only 30%, which has spread to most of the bilateral annex in the uterus, greater omentum and pelvic organs, so diagnosis and treatment is especially on ovarian cancer in fact a problem over the years. Home the malignant tumors of ovary were pathological, clinical and treatment in the development of. Program a lot. Discussion of a wealth of experience of the ovarian cancer psychiatric facilities was accumulated so far, clinical data on the national and international statistics, the five year survival rate from 25% to 30% which is the treatment of patients?
Learn very early treatment of ovarian tumor has in most cases surgery is not clearly lesions and the effects of radiation therapy and its application. Chemotherapy is very limited systemic hand is an important addition to treatment for a number of patients with advanced tumors so following chemotherapy again is can be reduced. Surgery when you create. favourable conditions. .
School early Ovarian Tumor treatment, because the majority of disease spread out during the operation. The lesions and the effectiveness of radiotherapy have unclear cases. Fruits and applications are very limited systemic chemotherapy therefore an important addition to the treatment of terminally ill patients after chemotherapy is dependent on favourable conditions for surgery can create again be reduced. .
Overview of ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer is a cancer of the female reproductive organs to the incidence of cervical and uterine cancer, and ranks third out. But he died of ovarian cancer, accounts for different types of gynecological cancer first serious threat to the lives of women... Since the embryonic ovary development, anatomical and endocrine function in complex it can suffer benign or malignant tumors. Ovarian Carcinoma
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Phase 1 and 2 apply as early stage lung cancer, the cancer cells still are localized, although at this time the cancer cells can have metastasis lymph nodes, but only local lung cancer. Diagnosis by about 30% of lung cancer cases in which patients are, they are at the early stage lung cancer. The prognosis of early stage of lung cancer is still good and able to heal.
Early signs of lung cancer, the shows can:
Cough to worry about.
75% of patients had it, this makes the common signs of lung cancer cough. If you are suffering from continuous coughing, consult with your doctor and after second opinion you want, if you can get no obvious answer.
Shortness of breath (Dyspnea).
You will find only shortness of breath when you are in the activity or work. If you often feel shortness of breath speak with your doctor.
Pain in the abdomen or chest.
About 50% of patients experience these signs of lung cancer. The chest pain comes during the breathing and coughing. If the chest pain more often you should be careful, because it one of the lung cancer may be signs and symptoms.
Repeated illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
Recurring lung disease can be due to the constant smoking or situation such as COPD; You can create but also signs of lung cancer.
Any unusual characters or common decline in health.
Apparently similar characters such as pain in the knee or repeated pneumonia.
Early stage lung cancer treatment
Lung operation, it is the main lung cancer stage 2 treatments. Lung operation divided in:
Lung Lobectomy of the praise.
Open praise Lobectomy is lung operation that removed a lobe of the lung through long incision in the chest.
Pulmonary resection is a type of lung cancer surgery, which removes the entire lung.
Wedge resection.
It is surgery that removes part of the lung, usually in a localized pulmonary disease. Wedge resection also known as Segmentectomy.
Radiation therapy (radio therapy), the address space to destroy X-rays to prevent cancer and recurrent lung cancer. Radiation therapy recommended for non-small cell lung cancer stage 2 to reduce the possibility of recurrent cancer. Radiation therapy rarely use level 1 but for non-small cell lung cancer.
Radio therapy can not even without surgery, used for patients, or want to not operation to take.
Chemotherapy, it is clean tumor cells which remains after the operation and increase the survival rate after lung operation used. This type of chemotherapy is called adjuvant chemotherapy.
Early stage of lung cancer rates prognosis and survival
The prognosis of lung cancer phase 1 is still good. In years before lung cancer stage 1 survival rate is up to 80% of 60%, but the survival rate can reach in the last studies 90% due to the surgery of advancement.
The prognosis of lung cancer stage is better than later. The 5 year survival rates for phase 2 lung cancer is 40 to 50%. However abweichender hang the prognosis and survival of tumor and your general health of.
Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer in which cancer cells in the different parts of the ovary are formed. These cells affect not the outer surface of the ovary in the early stages. In most cases, women suffer epithelial ovarian cancer. This type of cancer is in the outer surface of the ovary. Recent studies show that ovarian cancer could develop in the fallopian tube.
There are no specific symptoms of ovarian cancer. These signs and symptoms can be confused with other less dangerous diseases. Women suffering from ovarian cancer start signs such as aches and pains in the abdomen, swelling and bloating in the abdomen, urgency too often urinate constipation and other symptoms. Some of the specific symptoms of women from the complaints are pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding in the vagina or weight loss. Sometimes this can be due to the accumulation or development of fluid in the abdomen.
Ovarian cancer can be divided into four different phases. Each phase shows the extent of the cancer cells have spread. If the first or second stage ovarian cancer is diagnosed, the chances of survival are more. The four stages of ovarian cancer are:
Stage 1: Cancer cells are in one or both ovaries. Cancer cells develop in an ovary. These cells slowly on the outer surface of the institutions and affect both the ovaries.
Section 2: Cancer cells have two ovaries and are opposed to the other parts of the basin ahead. This can include the uterus and fallopian tubes. They can extend slowly on the bladder, colon and rectum.
Stage 3: In the initial phase of this stage, ovarian cancer has affected parts of the abdomen in small quantities. Slowly, the cells continue to spread and effect on the stomach and the close to nearby lymph nodes.
Stage 4: This is the last stage of ovarian cancer. Cancer cells have spread in the whole body and attacked other organs such as kidneys and lungs.
The actual cause of ovarian cancer was still not understood. If it has history of ovarian cancer or breast cancer in your family, you are a higher risk of developing cancer cells in the ovary. Women, who failed to have a baby to conceive, or menopausal hormone replacement therapy use post are at higher risk.
The procedure for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer includes a physical examination, pelvic examination, ultrasound or trans-vaginal ultrasound and blood tests. An operation is performed to determine the abdominal cavity and a biopsy is performed to ensure the presence of abdominal fluid. For ovarian cancer treatments include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.
Surgery can be of various types. If only an ovary is affected, you get from the ovary and fallopian tube. This procedure is called a total abdominal hysterectomy. Sometimes, women may be asked to get away, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. The surgeon can do intermediate vacuum if cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body.
Gland produce the thyroid, a hormone, at the foot of the neck is a very sensitive gland to radiation exposure. Radiation exposure has been proven that one of the causes of thyroid cancer. Unfortunately, they have been overlooked due to the low doses of radiation in the dental X-rays as a possible cause.
A study that States was reported Oncologica, conducted by the United Kingdom and the Kuwaiti investigators in the ACTA is and increased risk of thyroid cancer with multiple exposures for dental X-rays. Their research correlated the previous statement, the increased risks of thyroid cancer among employees who work with X-rays.
However, the American dental associations reported that 18 dentary makes X-rays available a patient for 1-1, 5 Mrems, 4 Bitewing X-rays expose patients to. 2-.3 Mrems. Compare this to 1.5 packs a day smoking gives 1300 Mr. cross country flight 4-5 Mr., life in a brick house 10 Mr/year, naturally occurring radiation from outer space, Earth and the food we eat is the average American 360 Mr.. per year.
The dental profession has protected with chest lead aprons always the public. Today, digital X-rays with the modern technology offer radiation up to 90 percent decrease. The digital X-ray method has no scatter radiation.
What can you do to protect themselves? First, you have only body and dental X-rays if a specific clinical needs, is not as part of a routine check up. Secondly, you help protect your thyroid gland with lead thyroid collar together with the protective lead chest apron. Thirdly, you minimize exposure to unnecessary X-rays young children. Because children thyroid-damaging radiation are very vulnerable, parents exist please lead thyroid collar, if there is a need for X-rays for dental and orthodontic procedures.
More thyroid cancer articles
Ovarian cancer abnormal Anatomy of deadly cancer is common as usually unnoticed is, to the Agency a basic and interfere with the body works. It is called "silent killer". While a total of about 13 580 women stunned accept overseas in 2010 due to the cervical cancer, the Cardinal, this gradually decreases. Doctors and consultants agree that the increase in the contraceptive use plays a role in which to articulate ovariancancer > reduce's.
The ovary with ovarian cancer , three types of changes to can come and go. adjust institutions and tumors in the pre epithelium, which hinder the band of tissue covering the ovary this little almond-shaped. This makes 85-90% of cases, ovarian cancer. Two rare forms of cancer in absolute as not enable the production of eggs or cells and antibodies, such as people with disabilities and admire the production of tissue hormone, suspected of stromal tumor.
From there the two ovarian cancer due to changes in advance. It can bleed into the neighbouring tissue such as cymbals, cervix and lower digestive tract. In addition parts of push of an injury and blood circulation and lymphatic. Therefore tumors have in a place teeming with ballast activates the anatomy and again.
carried out in an abstraction of the Harvard Medical School was Implementationarticular the consultant alike contraceptives for a year, the fell victim of ovarian cancer by 10-12%. After years of application bristles articulated position control, the incident only half. You start first of all the doctors, that the reduction of the amount of this hormone before tumors have not in this contraceptive articulated been. However, a comprehensive abstraction was start, body of progestin progestin similar accident the cancer is larger than low pills.
Although rich in pregnant women object to contraceptives, but also the exact account of your attention articulate turnaround expected , ovarian cancer as well. Frustrating, but not all are equal improvement has created pills. Some, like YAZ, Yasmin and Ocella to believe was negative for additional furniture, as for example energy and affection linked attack.
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ZM is a lot of people who are very sensitive to these two points and too uncomfortable silence. But the ZM menstrual diagram mean what is? "Menstruation" we all know what the word meant. Menstruation is a physiological phenomenon only for women, ovulation occurs in-vivo and hormonal cycle external appearance changes to that. Menstrual cramps began, Mark's wife, since fertility.
an egg of each row, there is a vagina. This is because the follicle estrogen, which endometrialen hyperplasia, discriminate and gradually thickening; Corpus Luteum after ovulation and the secretion of estrogen and progesterone, the endometrium continue to thicken and eat, in preparation for the fertilized ovum implantation. If you are not pregnant, the corpus Luteum be corrupt withdraw estrogen and progesterone. Loss of fertile endometrial hormone support, suddenly collapsed, falling off, at the produce frantically, menstrual flow from the vagina.
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ZM is a lot of people who are very sensitive to these two points and too uncomfortable silence. But the ZM menstrual diagram mean what is? "Menstruation" we all know what the word meant. Menstruation is a physiological phenomenon only for women, ovulation occurs in-vivo and hormonal cycle external appearance changes to that. Menstrual cramps began, Mark's wife, since fertility.
an egg of each row, there is a vagina. This is because the follicle estrogen, which endometrialen hyperplasia, discriminate and gradually thickening; Corpus Luteum after ovulation and the secretion of estrogen and progesterone, the endometrium continue to thicken and eat, in preparation for the fertilized ovum implantation. If you are not pregnant, the corpus Luteum be corrupt withdraw estrogen and progesterone. Loss of fertile endometrial hormone support, suddenly collapsed, falling off, at the produce frantically, menstrual flow from the vagina.
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? You know the eggs. such as ovarian cancer cure? Want to know you. Ovarian cancer as you heal it? new generation of minimally invasive techniques "Navigation microelectrode" treatment of ovarian cysts. Swelling, a significant impact, critical acclaim of the patient. Micro electrodes from the audio visual navigation, video integrated navigation systems, micro electrode drag probe instrument, factors which created in system components, the pelvic and ovarian cysts. Body positioning, surgery is a hair thin micro electrodes in the ovary cyst cavity that suck are capsule. Effusion, and by ionization, factors involved, so that the nucleus cystic lesion tissues oppression. Disabling system wall inactivation of epithelial tissue, to the purpose of the cysts to cure ovarian structure and function and to return to normal, not surgery, is the characteristics of the technology of the patient is not bleeding, no pain, no hospitalization, health, and a rapid recovery... It can persist, the integrity of the ovaries of women touches not the fertile, but also to the traditional surgery due to pelvic adhesions, to avoid, so that the clinical treatment of ovarian cysts has entered a new era. .
The advent of the technology development of high technology in the medical professionals. Disease cures a major breakthrough in the field, in the treatment of ovarian cysts on. There are many advantages:.
Stability: the men jeans navigation technology. led operation, positioning is no damage to four weeks organs, but also from the basin the effects of the adhesion by navigation technology can clearly show lesions. Exactly the microelectrode in the cyst for treatment and the case only under local anesthesia, lead you to avoid. to avoid general anesthesia and abdominal surgery, pain, high security.
Standards: the use of audio and video. Image 3D scanning of the navigation device, the pelvic cavity eggs. Nest, cyst-dimensional positioning and navigation the image and accurate data for the computer work. Station, precise positioning of the quantitative basis for therapeutic purposes workstation cysts. .
Ruthless: the role of the Navigator, the micro electrodes in the ovarian cysts., fluid by the accurate localization and quantification, intrakapsuläre aspiration of factors involved in transfer factors in the treatment system passed. by ionization of the cyst lesion group. Organization cyst epithelial cells and inactivation. .
fast: at the top. under the supervision of aviation technology, treatment is simple, no bleeding. go fast recovery with only once, generally remove a cyst. .
fast: in navigation technology. Intraoperative is monitoring, treatment simply, no bleeding, faster recovery Nokia mobile with governance. As you go, usually only once to remove a cyst. By: ruthless:. In the navigation bar under the influence of the micro electrodes into the cavity, suck ovarian cyst by the accurate localization and quantification. from the fluid SAC from. Transmission factors involved factors of the treatment system, by the ionization in the cysts and cystic lesions, epithelial cell inactivation. .
Standards: the use of audio and video, imaging, three-dimensional scanning the navigation device and ovarian cysts in the basin of three-dimensional positioning and navigation, image, and accurate data on the computer workstation. Definition of the workstation. Bits and quantitative. based on the purpose, to heal cysts.
Stability: under the direction of navigation technology, will be. Position is correct, not the four weeks is damaging organs, can but also of the impact of the pelvic adhesions, navigation technology clearly show lesions and lead the microelectrode in the cyst and treatment of the situation only local anesthesia. Cases, to avoid general anesthesia. and open surgery, pain and safe.
the introduction of this technology in the medical technology technology. the development of the field in the particular disease heals a breakthrough in the treatment of ovarian cysts, there are many advantages:.
Ovarian cancer
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1. Like self urethritis?
Typical symptoms of urethritis
divided in gonococcal urethritis and non-gonococcal urethritis. Gonococcal urethritis often occurs frequency, urgency, dysuria, abnormal or increased vaginal discharge, female genital mutilation to itch and burn and occasional abdominal and low back pain, menstrual irregularities. Non-gonococcal urethritis disease, by a variety of pathogens, with the exception of urethritis and cervicitis also often, and other reproductive tract inflammation.
2. how self vaginitis?
Symptoms of vaginal discharge? Geräucherte a pale yellow color? Geräucherte thin? have a bad smell smoke often? Geräucherte more see cells under the microscope of clue. Caused Trichomonas vaginitis is due to an infection with Trichomonas Vaginalis? Geräucherte the amount of symptoms decreased? Smell foul of thick yellow smoke? Geräucherte with a bubble? Genital itching, burning, sexual pain. Is old/vaginitis due to lack of estrogen? Smoked vaginal lowered immunity? Smoke by pathogens caused infection caused? Not smoked Zheng Jian urine? Smoked genitalia pruritus, burning? Causes are smoke because of trichomoniasis, mold, bacteria, Mycoplasma infections by.
3. how self pelvic inflammatory disease and accessories inflammation?
Pelvic inflammatory disease and accessories typical symptoms of inflammation, fever, chills, duration of older laptop deal, there may be symptoms of neurasthenia, like insomnia, lack of energy, full-body discomfort. Often bulge in patients with pain, lumbosacral pain, accompanied by lower belly sometimes accompanied by heavy feeling in the anus, where tired, be increased to the sexual intercourse / premenstrual. Increased vaginal discharge, was purulent or serous, color, or yellow or white, often accompanied by smell. Dysmenorrhea, or excessive menstruation. Lead easily to primary or secondary infertility.
4. how self ovarian cyst?
no obvious early symptoms of ovarian cancer, but have usually lower abdominal discomfort, abdominal circumference thickening, intra abdominal mass, abdominal pain, compression symptoms, menstruation errors. If you find not by regular gynaecological examination in a timely manner, measures malicious may. As long as the discovery of the ovarian cysts must be removed early. Symptoms of uterine fibroids have typically menstrual changes, increased vaginal discharge, pain, abdominal mass, compression symptoms, infertility, anemia and so on.
5. how self uterine fibroids?
normal menstrual cycle changes that increased blood, menstruation and menstrual irregularities, that most feel no pain, but there are a few people in the presence of infection or uterine fibroids after deformation, pain in the abdomen can occur; next belly
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Ovarian cancer symptoms is indeed absurd, if the symptoms are recognised and accepted the ability of local characters. Cancer continues to its acceptance as the "silent killer" because of the reduction in the native Internet symptoms his time even surprising cure. In three out of four patients the cancer is already low in advance of the abdominal organs, it was obvious in his LaterLevels. And although % women, 95 Aboriginal characters friend about the diagnosis, but the sharpness of the majority of women do not this, as symptoms of ovarian cancer.e ' of vital importance for the hidden characters that I report that can be cured or accept to reverse Gorge. Read carefully to learn some of the signs and symptoms of the natives.
Signs and symptoms
Then Thebe taken requirements of various flowers, but watch out if you or friend, the symptoms are for 1-3 expectation of reasonable anon-basin and recto-vaginal component of the emergence of diagnostic better know weeks and your doctor for a test.
Symptoms Host load or lower abdominal discomfort, reduced appetite, unusual weight released, change gas, Aberancy in your menstrual cycle, Faculty of OfThe depression in the pelvic area, has wealth and coercion and / or fire, or during urination, bloating, indigestion, changes in bowel movements associated cramps, bloating, complete activity, unusual tiredness or exhaustion, nausea and vomiting, blood from the vagina or unusual your acquittal is not surprising in the period, lower anxiety surprised over time, breathing pain worsened adversities, the access of acne, during or after intercourse, To pain or Acicularthe ovaries or basin and fever.
The articulation with ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer
Although it is not fact, studies have established, the ovarian cyst Polycystic ovarian syndrome to those who accept had outbreaks or affection (PCOS) showed a lush world incident of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cysts antenna provides a majority of women. Statistics show Thatabout 80% of all women, the life before an ovarian cyst at some point, but not all women are the symptoms.deliberately E ' is essential for trainees as entertainment or cysts of Polycystic ovary syndrome and reduce the risk of the development of cancer.
The treatment of ovarian cysts and short cut your Cancer risk
You can your naive ovarian cysts before your risk of cancer or PCOS credited Alpha get through the first dangerous. Takengrowth hormone pills or not in foreign stock may have victims cysts or PCOS because it tends to decree that drugs alone to wait some symptoms, but not necessarily for the cyst of recurring. However, if diet, exercise and exchanging used treatments such as herbal products and the changes are bad and down to just collapse to the point of focus and cysts and PCOS develop risk which for testing by the tumor to . It ' absolutely the doctor has never mentioned you Articleto, but many rich absolutely successful applications women used, start the analysis of the possibilities that reduce their own sonic Eon cysts present only two months.
To check, look at their individual risk want women who are family members of ovarian cancer may have a history, cancer tests. A new study found that the disease can be caused by a genetic variant that is passed along over generations.
A team of researchers at Yale University has blood tests on a group of patients treated for genetic biomarker looking for ovarian cancer. They found that 25 percent of patients had a mutation in a specific gene. Overall, the cancer mutation had 60 percent of respondents with a love story.
"For many women out there with a strong family history of ovarian cancer, no identified genetic trigger for her family had previously disease;" "This well for them, it may", said Joanne B. Weidhaas, researcher in the Yale Cancer Center and co-author of the study. "Our results support that the [genetic] VARIANT is actually a new genetic marker ovarian cancer risk."
Ovarian cancer is particularly difficult to detect until it has reached at a late stage. This is typically the disease fatal. However, Weidhaas said that the identification of persons who are more at risk could improve survival rates.
Natural medicine option has the reputation in the treatment and prevention of cancer acquisition. Tea is the most well known as a possible remedy. Still, the study shows the effectiveness of green tea in the prevention of heart disease and other forms of cancer.
The first reference to tea's effectiveness within the significantly lower incidence of major diseases in the Asian regions. Those who live in Asia in General drink large amounts of green tea and statistics show that they have a significantly lower risk or heart disease and cancer. Especially Japanese men, in contrast to American men are statistically lower risk of cancer and heart complaints lung although as much as 75 percent of them smoking cigarettes.
Breast cancer as the various types of cancer in the digestive tract have live also low incidence within the individuals in Asia. You have less chances of diabetes or even high blood pressure. Your ample consumption tea could be the reason.
Green tea in Asia generally comes from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. The main difference between green tea and black tea is in the process. In the preparation of black tea is fermented it also, in contrast to green tea. First of all, because the green tea is not fermented, the anti oxidants are in their natural state, links produce their benefits much more potent.
Anti-oxidants are critical in the fight against the presence of free radicals in our body. Always when we process the food that we eat and turn it into energy, free radicals are produced. This no cost radical can potentially damage the cells as also our DNA. The damaged DNA may lead to other major diseases such as cancer, heart disease and even stroke.
A growing body of research linking tea with minimize the risks of various forms of cancer such as gastrointestinal, prostate, bladder, esophageal and breast cancer. Until recently, green tea has not observed as a effect on the prevention of ovarian cancer.
But studies on women with age between 40 and 76 in a period of 15 years show the following results:
-Can it far less likely for women, who drink tea regularly, to acquire ovarian cancer
-The risk of the acquisition of ovarian cancer refers to the amount of tea consumed. Research has shown that the risk of as 18 per cent for each recommended significantly reduced more Cup of green tea a day on the two.
There is really no reason why you should not try drinking green tea. It has no side effects, their wages are well identified, and it is really delicious. It could in fact be hot or cold. It can even in tablet form, be available, which makes likely take larger doses
Price: $25.00
This landmark work in women's health identifies and offers solutions to the hormonal dysfunctions afflicting millions of young women, teens, and even children, that rob women of future fertility and contribute to devastating problems -- from early onset puberty and obesity to depression and increased cancer risk.
Women's health is more than breast cancer, pregnancy, and menopause. In this groundbreaking new work, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet identifies and explains rarely acknowledged, pervasive threats to young women's health and fertility -- PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), POD (Premature Ovarian Decline), and Premature Ovarian Failure (menopause in the young) -- and the overlooked causes of endometriosis, cystitis, early puberty, allergies, heart disease, mood disorders, depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, bone loss, anxiety, obesity, and diabetes.
A kind of Silent Spring of women's health, It's My Ovaries, Stupid! presents compelling evidence from worldwide research that common environmental toxins and endocrine disruptors in pesticides, plastic food wrappers, food additives, preservatives, soy supplements, aspartame in diet sodas and junk food, and more -- as well as lifestyle factors such as stress -- can all profoundly disrupt hormone function, even in childhood.
Insidious robbers of quality of life, fertility, and health, hormone dysfunctions are on the rise today, afflicting younger and younger women.
Why? What can you do about it? How can you get tested? What treatments are available? Dr. Vliet interprets the latest scientific research and draws on more than twenty years of clinical experience to answer these and many other crucial questions about common health problems in young women.
Whose job is it to take care of the ovaries...beyond their function in reproduction? Why do you have trouble getting help for "hormone problems" that are clearly linked to your monthly cycle? It's My Ovaries, Stupid! bridges this gap in women's health care and shows you how to understand your symptoms and get reliable tests, how to receive treatment and improve your health, how to wade through the controversies surrounding hormone replacement therapy, and how to explore cutting-edge options for thyroid problems.
You can't afford not to read this book. Your life, your fertility, and your long-term health may depend on it. It's not all in your head, and it's not just stress. It's your ovaries!
Price: $28.00
Ovarian cancer is known as a silent killer, simply because the early symptoms of this cancer are often misdiagnosed. For this reason, only 20% of ovarian cancer are found, before they have spread to the ovaries over.
The cancer starts in the ovaries are only about as large as a Mandel, and are located on each side of the uterus. The ovaries are responsible for the production of eggs and their release in the fallopian tube. They produce two female hormones called estrogen and progesterone. High levels of these hormones is based on the cause of ovarian cancer.
Tumors that are not cancer or can make cancer in the ovaries. The not cancer tumors do not spread, but they cause the body to create more estrogen, which in turn can cause cancer. Tumors that are cancer finally spread to the outside on the ovaries and the spread via the bloodstream or lymph nodes to other parts of the body. The tumors may have one or both ovaries.
If the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, there are still a better chance of survival. But the early symptoms of ovarian cancer are difficult to diagnose, because they are similar to how many other common conditions. The main difference between the symptoms of ovarian cancer, and those of the common complaints is that the symptoms of ovarian cancer vary, or do not disappear, but rather they gradually worse as the cancer cells grow. Most symptoms of common complaints disappear within a day or two.
Some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer are digestive, Bladder disorders, bloating, constipation, fatigue and lower back pain. If these symptoms occur, and not the way to go a week it can be checked out to a good idea, by a doctor.
Whether it is not at risk can also help, determine whether the symptoms are something to worry about or not.
As age increases the risk of ovarian cancer and the cancer usually occurs in women who have gone through menopause.
Hormone replacement therapy plays an important role in the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer.
Obesity is associated with severe ovarian cancer and increases the risk of 80%.
A drug Danazol, called been ovarian cancer linked also,. It is a male hormone (androgen) is used for the endometriosis treat.
A high-fat diet increases the risk of ovarian cancer.
The best defense against ovarian cancer is a raw food diet, with many green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, and herbs food. Prevention of animal protein, helps refined sugar and processed food to maintain a healthy body weight, which one of the biggest risk factors.
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Ovarian cancer is made in one or both ovaries, which are on both sides of the uterus. The ovaries are only about as large as an almond and are responsible for the production of eggs and their release in the fallopian tube.
The ovaries produce also estrogen and progesterone, which are two female hormones. If these levels before and during ovulation are too high, possibly to make it to ovarian tumors.
There are basically two types of ovarian tumors, a type is not cancer is, and the other is cancer. If the tumors are cancer they are spread on the outside of the ovaries, and eventually to other parts of the body.
Only 20% of tumours are recognized, before they have begun to spread to the ovaries. This is mainly because the early symptoms are often misdiagnosed by ovarian cancer, because they the symptoms of many common ailments like indigestion, gas, nausea, bloating, constipation and bladder errors similar to are. The only difference between the symptoms is that the symptoms of ovarian cancer not after a few days will disappear, but they are progressively worse and the cancer continued to spread.
Who is the risk of developing ovarian cancer?
Those who are overweight and obese. Obesity is associated with severe ovarian cancer and increases the risk of 80%. The fat cells help to produce higher estrogen that is linked to cause ovarian cancer.
Ovarian cancer usually only developed after the menopause, but can occur well before menopause. As an age increases the risk.
Women who have no children, or had their first child after 30 years are more vulnerable.
Women who began menstruation, even early (before 12) and had a late menopause (after 50), are also at risk.
Those difficulties with the concept, but researchers do not know whether this is due to the infertility, or due to infertility drugs that are administered to patients.
Hormone replacement therapy plays an important role in the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer.
A drug Danazol, called been ovarian cancer linked also,. It is a male hormone (androgen) is used for the endometriosis treat.
A high-fat diet increases the risk of ovarian cancer.
Those who had breast cancer have a higher risk for developing ovarian cancer.
Family history, if someone in the family had increases the risk of 10-15% ovarian cancer.
Mutation mutations du gène (or so they say).
To eliminate some of the risks of getting ovarian cancer, we cannot be held liable to maintain a healthy diet on a herbal basis to maintain a healthy body weight and the inside of the body clean and free of toxins.
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