Phase 1 and 2 apply as early stage lung cancer, the cancer cells still are localized, although at this time the cancer cells can have metastasis lymph nodes, but only local lung cancer. Diagnosis by about 30% of lung cancer cases in which patients are, they are at the early stage lung cancer. The prognosis of early stage of lung cancer is still good and able to heal.
Early signs of lung cancer, the shows can:
Cough to worry about.
75% of patients had it, this makes the common signs of lung cancer cough. If you are suffering from continuous coughing, consult with your doctor and after second opinion you want, if you can get no obvious answer.
Shortness of breath (Dyspnea).
You will find only shortness of breath when you are in the activity or work. If you often feel shortness of breath speak with your doctor.
Pain in the abdomen or chest.
About 50% of patients experience these signs of lung cancer. The chest pain comes during the breathing and coughing. If the chest pain more often you should be careful, because it one of the lung cancer may be signs and symptoms.
Repeated illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
Recurring lung disease can be due to the constant smoking or situation such as COPD; You can create but also signs of lung cancer.
Any unusual characters or common decline in health.
Apparently similar characters such as pain in the knee or repeated pneumonia.
Early stage lung cancer treatment
Lung operation, it is the main lung cancer stage 2 treatments. Lung operation divided in:
Lung Lobectomy of the praise.
Open praise Lobectomy is lung operation that removed a lobe of the lung through long incision in the chest.
Pulmonary resection is a type of lung cancer surgery, which removes the entire lung.
Wedge resection.
It is surgery that removes part of the lung, usually in a localized pulmonary disease. Wedge resection also known as Segmentectomy.
Radiation therapy (radio therapy), the address space to destroy X-rays to prevent cancer and recurrent lung cancer. Radiation therapy recommended for non-small cell lung cancer stage 2 to reduce the possibility of recurrent cancer. Radiation therapy rarely use level 1 but for non-small cell lung cancer.
Radio therapy can not even without surgery, used for patients, or want to not operation to take.
Chemotherapy, it is clean tumor cells which remains after the operation and increase the survival rate after lung operation used. This type of chemotherapy is called adjuvant chemotherapy.
Early stage of lung cancer rates prognosis and survival
The prognosis of lung cancer phase 1 is still good. In years before lung cancer stage 1 survival rate is up to 80% of 60%, but the survival rate can reach in the last studies 90% due to the surgery of advancement.
The prognosis of lung cancer stage is better than later. The 5 year survival rates for phase 2 lung cancer is 40 to 50%. However abweichender hang the prognosis and survival of tumor and your general health of.
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