Jumat, 29 April 2011

Endometriosis with cancer as

Although endometriosis is an action, you of 7 women all over the world, there's not much that is accepted for this disease. It is an accident, and sew, the development of the body begins the remaking of central genital tissue of the uterus. Endometriosis causes are not yet known, but there are several theories.

This action is usually at a time of rampant early cancer have been compared to such an attack of beef is binding.There are similarities in these two diseases, to keep included a reduction in the amount of beef the host apoptosis and development of new blood vessels in Burgundy. Many doctors accept that will debate on the abstraction, was endometriosis Cancer in 1925, but not accepted abstracts.

A recent analysis has shown that it may be a connection with the cancer and endometriosis. It was clear that women have to accept the Endometriosisadded of the prostate Forms cancer, including endocrine, breast, ovarian and brain. Even the doctors to you, there is a risk that the cancer is still the joint is really endometriosis analysis needs to be done to adjust.

The analysis was made at this point start that alone hardly incident College which accepted development of cancer than women who do not have this condition are averse to women with endometriosis.Moreover, while accept, the Hysterectomies have had or are women who have developed the first of the endometriosis doesn't seem to accept the development of cancer - linked related accidents.

The aberration of the primary cancer and endometriosis is the fact that endometriosis is not fatal as cancer. During this promotion can be acutely painful and relating to the level as problems with the pelvic area, not to the destruction of itself is. Endometriosis TreatmentsSpace for laparoscopic surgery, pain and the analysis of hormone disorders.

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