Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer in which cancer cells in the different parts of the ovary are formed. These cells affect not the outer surface of the ovary in the early stages. In most cases, women suffer epithelial ovarian cancer. This type of cancer is in the outer surface of the ovary. Recent studies show that ovarian cancer could develop in the fallopian tube.
There are no specific symptoms of ovarian cancer. These signs and symptoms can be confused with other less dangerous diseases. Women suffering from ovarian cancer start signs such as aches and pains in the abdomen, swelling and bloating in the abdomen, urgency too often urinate constipation and other symptoms. Some of the specific symptoms of women from the complaints are pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding in the vagina or weight loss. Sometimes this can be due to the accumulation or development of fluid in the abdomen.
Ovarian cancer can be divided into four different phases. Each phase shows the extent of the cancer cells have spread. If the first or second stage ovarian cancer is diagnosed, the chances of survival are more. The four stages of ovarian cancer are:
Stage 1: Cancer cells are in one or both ovaries. Cancer cells develop in an ovary. These cells slowly on the outer surface of the institutions and affect both the ovaries.
Section 2: Cancer cells have two ovaries and are opposed to the other parts of the basin ahead. This can include the uterus and fallopian tubes. They can extend slowly on the bladder, colon and rectum.
Stage 3: In the initial phase of this stage, ovarian cancer has affected parts of the abdomen in small quantities. Slowly, the cells continue to spread and effect on the stomach and the close to nearby lymph nodes.
Stage 4: This is the last stage of ovarian cancer. Cancer cells have spread in the whole body and attacked other organs such as kidneys and lungs.
The actual cause of ovarian cancer was still not understood. If it has history of ovarian cancer or breast cancer in your family, you are a higher risk of developing cancer cells in the ovary. Women, who failed to have a baby to conceive, or menopausal hormone replacement therapy use post are at higher risk.
The procedure for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer includes a physical examination, pelvic examination, ultrasound or trans-vaginal ultrasound and blood tests. An operation is performed to determine the abdominal cavity and a biopsy is performed to ensure the presence of abdominal fluid. For ovarian cancer treatments include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.
Surgery can be of various types. If only an ovary is affected, you get from the ovary and fallopian tube. This procedure is called a total abdominal hysterectomy. Sometimes, women may be asked to get away, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. The surgeon can do intermediate vacuum if cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body.
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